Dhamma Vikasa Centre - Liouguei, Kaoshiung

Dhamma Vikasa located in Southern Taiwan - Liouguei District, Kaohsiung City - is one of the many centres around the world, dedicated to the practice of Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka and his assistant teachers in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin.

Dhamma Vikasa ― Progress in Dhamma

After S. N. Goenka brought Vipassana Meditation to Taiwan in 1995, strong demand for courses never abated, so much so that the capacity of Dhammodaya in Taichung, the first Vipassana center in Taiwan established in 1998, was sorely strained. In order to make Vipassana courses more available to people, starting from 2005, regular non-center courses were given at Fa-Yin Abode, located in Liouguei, Kaohsiung. At first these were small courses for old students only. In 2008, the second Vipassana center in Taiwan was formally established here, and it was given the name Dhamma Vikasa by Goenkaji, meaning “Progress in Dhamma.”

Goenkaji envisioned that Dhamma Vikasa would come to be a full-fledged long-course Vipassana center, offering courses for 20-days and above, open to students from all over the world. For that purpose, it is necessary to have single-room dormitories and individual meditation cells. Thanks to donations from and untiring efforts of old students, Phase One of the development was completed in 2011. Phase Two and Three are still under planning.

Facilities comprise a large meditation hall, a dining hall, and dozens of double-room dormitories for male and female students. For now the center accommodates about 60 students and a dozen Dhamma workers. Aside from 10-day Vipassana courses, the center also offers 20-day courses, Satipatthana courses and 3-day courses each year. Dhamma Vikasa is surrounded by magnificent mountains and enjoys a peaceful and tranquil environment. All are welcome here to learn Dhamma and the art of living!

Contact Details

Dhamma Vikasa

No.1-1, Ln. 100, Dingnong Rd., Liouguei Dist., Kaohsiung City 844, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

 (+886)-7-6881879 (Fax)
 VoIP: 070-1010-0266 / 070-1010-0270 (For Registration Only)

[email protected] (For registration)
[email protected]